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Who is CORBA?

The Concerned Off-Road Bicycle Association (CORBA) is a 501(C) 3 non-profit educational organization. Founded in 1987 to represent the mountain bicycling community in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, CORBA has been widely recognized as a leader in issues related to multiple-use trails and management, trail design, construction and maintenance, and educational programs.

CORBA developed the first volunteer mountain bike patrol recognized by the National Park Service, the Mountain Bike Unit (MBU). The MBU has continued as very successful program and still provides hundreds of volunteer hours. Their volunteer trail program has been in effect from the first days of CORBA, and their approach to multiple-use trail elements has been nationally recognized.

CORBA’s Youth Adventures program has brought hundreds of disadvantaged and at-risk youth to experience open space through mountain bicycling, many of whom have never ventured beyond their own block.

CORBA offers Skills Classes so that novices as well as experienced riders can improve their riding ability and enhance their trail etiquette.

Several of CORBA’s founders, still active today, are also founding members of the International Mountain Biking Association, which represents nearly 3 million mountain bicyclists in more than 20 countries.

The CORBA members of Palos Verdes and the City of RPV are fortunate to have access to this well-established resource, and CORBA is very pleased to assist in any issues that may arise.


Bikes Banned from Trails - Not Exactly

The RPV City Council voted on the the trail access portion of the Forrestal Nature Preserve Management Plan on Dec. 4.

Bikes are temporarily restricted from trails A-14, A-15, A-16, and L-1 because of safety and stability (map). As soon as a revised map is available, we'll post it on this website so you can understand exactly what trails are involved. Here is the city statement.

At first, we were disappointed the council did not adopt the Forrestal Steering Committee Management Plan as proposed, but we realize the council’s approval of any mountain bike use in the preserve is a success for our efforts. Remember that bicycle use was not even considered before we became involved.

The city council’s vote was premised on putting a high priority on improvements to the upper trails. CORBA-PV will focus our efforts on getting these improvements started as soon as possible. We hope you will volunteer for the trail work involved.

A big thank you to everyone who attended meetings, volunteered for trail work, and demonstrated responsible riding on the trails. You made this possible. You’re continued support will make a difference.

No date has been set for actual implementation of the plan. We will keep you updated.

We did make a difference.

  • The concept of multi-use trails was accepted.

  • We have confirmed that our volunteerism is essential for the management plan to work.

  • Trail safety and stability were the reasons for closure, not habitat destruction or user conflict.

  • We know the closures can be reversed by physical means.

  • The city council has agreed to place a high priority on making trails suitable for multi-use.

  • The city will allow CORBA guided rides while work is done to open trails to the general biking public

We need your support.
This year we learned that volunteerism is our strongest asset. We are deeply grateful to all of you who made the effort to come out and work.  You are our heroes. If we maintain this level of commitment in 2005 we can achieve all of our goals.